
(716) 835-2510


Abortion Q&A

Have questions or concerns about surgical abortion? Explore answers to common questions in our FAQ section below.

A “surgical” abortion does not involve any cutting! It is better known as a Suction D&C.

The physical removal of an unwanted pregnancy, done by opening the cervix (dilation) and suctioning out the contents of the uterus. It’s the most common surgical procedure in the United States.

Extremely safe! Abortion is at least 10-20 times safer than continuing a pregnancy and having a child. The risk of dying from an abortion is 1 in 1,000,000. The risk of complications from a Suction D&C abortion is 1-2%. If 100 women have an abortion—1-2 of them will have a problem, typically this is a minor problem such as excess blood in the uterus or tissue that was not entirely removed. These minor problems can be easily handled by a resuction procedure at Buffalo Womenservices. Serious complications requiring hospitalization are very rare.

Abortion is legal in NYS to 24 weeks gestation but exceptions can be made for fetal problems and for the health and well-being of the patient/mother.

We perform abortions at Buffalo Womenservices from 5-22 weeks gestation and help refer patients who are past our limits to facilities in New York City.

Buffalo Womenservices is one of the only providers of second trimester abortions in Western New York.  A second trimester abortion is a procedure performed after 13 weeks pregnancy when the uterus is large in comparison to the cervix.  This typically requires a 2 day procedure, the first day to prepare the cervix and the second day for the procedure. This procedure is also called a D&E.

The appointment typically takes 4-8 hours. That includes paper work, ultrasound, individual counseling session, procedure and recovery.

An abortion at 5-13 weeks takes 2-3 minutes in total. An abortion of 14-19 weeks takes 5-10 minutes in total.

Yes!  Legal, surgical abortion performed by an experience provider is very safe.  It does not decrease your ability to conceive (get pregnant) or cause any problems in future pregnancies.  It does not lead to preterm labor or birth, pre-eclampsia, cesarean section, miscarriage or stillbirth.  Abortion does not lead to any type of cancer including breast cancer and does not cause depression or mental illness.  

You have the option of IV Moderate Sedation—consisting of a short acting valium, a narcotic such as Demerol and an anti-nausea agent such as Zofran.  This does not “put you to sleep” like General Anesthesia but it makes you very, very comfortable.  If you have Sedation, you need to stay in the Recovery Room for 45 minutes and you must have someone drive you home.

You can, but because of Corona Virus, we will ask your escort to wait in the car. You may wait in the car with your escort and our staff can call you inside the building when we are ready for you.

If you decide for IV Moderate Sedation, most women report the procedure was not uncomfortable.  If you decide against Sedation—for example, if you are driving yourself home and cannot have the Sedation—the procedure feels like a labor pain.  The pain quickly subsides and most women feel able to leave after 20 minutes in the Recovery Room.  Motrin is typically all you need after a procedure.

You typically bleed for about 2 weeks after a procedure, 2-3 weeks for an abortion after 14 weeks.  You bleed like a period and should never bleed more than 1 pad in 2 hours.

Motrin 800 mg every 8 hours or Tylenol 650 mg every 6 hours is all you should need.  A heating pad is very comforting.

Please look at our website—it depends on the gestational age of the pregnancy, your insurance and whether or not you need Rhogam.

100% confidential. We take your privacy very, very seriously and have never had a violation of patient confidentiality in 30 years.

There is absolutely no evidence of fetal experiencing pain!  This is an anti-abortion theory without any scientific evidence.

No, you must not put anything in the vagina after an abortion until you stop bleeding.  Please use pads, shower rather than tub baths and no intercourse.

Yes, we can give you a 3 day excuse—day of procedure and 2 additional days.  It does not state you had an abortion, just a medical excuse from Dr. Morrison. 

Do not put anything in the vagina until you stop bleeding, typically 2-3 weeks.  Please use a condom when you do have intercourse to prevent pregnancy and infection.

We will discuss all options with you as part of your individual counseling session.  We can prescribe the Birth Control pill, Patch, Nuva-ring, Depo Provera to begin after your procedure.  We will also discuss IUDs, Nexplanon, the Diaphragm, Condoms.

If you have had Sedation, you cannot drive or operate machinery for 24 hours after the procedure.  If you have not had Sedation, you may drive yourself home.

No, they are idiots who can hold ugly signs, offer you fake counseling and out of date pamphlets. Legally they have to stay in their in their painted box, cannot touch you or block your way.  They are confident they know better than you what you should do with your life.  They are confident they know God’s will better than you.  They probably haven’t had sex since the Carter administration. 

We are lucky to live in pro-choice New York state where abortion is legal and available! Millions of American women live in other states where abortion is illegal.  Vote for Pro Choice politicians—like Governor Hochul and VP Kamala Harris—who support your right to make your own decisions about your own body!

We would be happy to call the Buffalo PD if they harass you.

You can! A few abortions are performed in the non-Catholic hospitals in Buffalo. If there are medical reasons that make hospital more appropriate, Dr Morrison will help arrange this.

It’s Your BODY, It’s Your CHOICE, And You Have OPTIONS.

Contact Buffalo Womenservices to speak with our friendly staff to schedule an appointment or request an immediate appointment online.